Irvin Family History
The name that holds the greatest significance in my family is my middle name, Beidinger. It holds great meaning in our family because it connects down to my Opa, grandpa, who is Austrian. Beidinger, which is also Austrian, is my Opa’s maiden name. When my Oma and Opa had kids they all were daughters and you would think the family name would stop there since they all married they took their husband's name; however, my cousins and myself were given Beidinger as our middle name so it wouldn’t die out. So, while my first name may not be that meaningful my middle name carries a lot of history from not only my Opa’s past, but also my Opa’s father’s past. Although, I may not have the name myself, a lot of my cousins have the last name Veldman. Since the name Veldman is very Dutch there’s a surprisingly good chance if someone has that name in the Midwest, I’m actually related to them. My family then ended up in South Bend, Indiana since my Oma’s brother had left Holland before her and wa...